How much does it cost to be a Scout?

Our Leaders work hard to keep the cost of our program low. The majority of our expenses are covered through our Annual Dues and our Popcorn sales.

You should expect to spend around $150 in your first year to cover your annual dues, purchasing your uniform and rank-specific handbook. Some of this cost can be reduced by obtaining used supplies from our Pack webstore.

After your first year, you should expect Cub Scouting to cost about $120 per year unless you need to purchase your Scout a new uniform. Additional costs may be incurred for optional “Friends of Scouting” events (costs vary) or Summer Camps (typically $110 – $230 with some discounts available for selling popcorn).

We believe that every child should be able to participate in the Cub Scout program.  Please contact our Cubmaster if your child would like to join our Pack but you are unable to cover the costs of membership.

You can find more information about these estimated costs below:

Uniform Costs

When you first join Cub Scouts, you will need to purchase a Class A Uniform (the Blue or Khaki Scout Uniforms). This typically costs $50 for Kindergarteners and $50 for First – Fifth Graders. See the Current Members section below for more information.

Annual Costs:

Every year, you will need to spend around $130 to pay your Scout’s Dues and purchase their Rank-specific handbook. Your Scout will need to pay their annual dues ($120) when joining the Pack and every summer while your Scout is a member. These dues include:

  • A Class B Activity Uniform shirt
  • Supplies for all of our Den and Pack meetings
  • Camping supplies
  • Registration costs for campouts and other outings
  • Pinewood Derby cars
  • Pins, belt loops, and patches to recognize our Scout’s achievements

Our Pack has a tradition of handing down our rank-specific neckerchiefs and slides during our annual Blue & Gold Banquet which further reduces our member’s annual costs.