Can girls join Cub Scouts?

Yes! In 2018, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) started a two year process to introduce girls into its Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs. (The BSA has two additional programs, Venturing and Explorers, that have been co-ed for many years.) Our Pack welcome our first three girl members during our 2018 – 2019 Pack year.

Girls participating in Cub Scouts are a part of their own Dens with their own Den Leader(s). Den Leaders of boy and girl dens often coordinate their program and meeting times to work on their advancement together. Once our girl members earn their Arrow of Light awards (Cub Scouting’s highest rank), they can transition to an all-girls Scouts BSA (formerly called Boy Scouts) Troop.

You can learn more about this transition to Family Scouting on the Boy Scouts of America’s website.